There's been a lot of discussion recently regarding what's going on inside Donald Trump's head (and what is coming out of his mouth), including from President Obama (spoiler alert: not a fan), but one breaking news story that has gotten less attention is that Patent No. WO 1989009551 A1 may be resting on his head. According to a Gawker report, the curious mass on Trump's cranium that appears to be a fuzzy bird's nest is actually a patented (and very expensive) hair weave. The good news for anyone who wants to look like "The Donald" is that the patent expired years ago (though it is not quite as out-of-date as his ideas*), so you can have fake Trump-style hair without fear of a lawsuit from the litigious presumptive Republican nominee. (On second thought, scratch that. Apparently, Trump does not need a viable cause of action to file a lawsuit.)
*Interestingly, "Trump Mediaeval" is an old-style serif typeface in addition to being an apt description of his attitude towards women.